Friday, November 13, 2009

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

I don't care how people dress, wear their hair, ect. Just wondering why the women dress the way they do......However, my pentecostal neighbor, who 'dresses accordingly' is an outright scary person. Long story short, I don't know if I offended her doctrine or what but she definately knows how to be nasty......I understand wanting to be a witness for God and everything, but I think that is more thru actions.....don't really know why she bothers dressing the way she does (for religion and God) when she acts like a %$#@!

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

She sounds like your typical religious hypocrite

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

I Am pencostal holiness. I Also Believe in Long Hair %26amp; Skirts. (need Scripture just ask), But Godliness is an action the bible adress more on how we should act than how we dress. although It is just as important. I would tell her Very respectfully to read the book of james Report It

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

is there a question in there?

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

They want to be seen of man,, and say look at me, they are only drawing attention to themselves and not to God where it belongs.

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

Being ostentatiously religious has never stopped anyone from being a pain in the ***.

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

Good point.

I know they wear dresses because onlymen are suppose to wear pants. And I'm still not sure about the hair.

you are right actions should speak louder than dress...

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

I think its an outward showing of modesty and subservance? I am totally not sure and ignore your neighbor. Every relgion has a %$#@ or two.

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

I don't really see a question here but I still get 2 points right?

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

tell her.

my best friend when i was like 9 years old was (still is) penticostal and her mom was like that. i told her there was no reason being such a B.... if she was so Fing religous.

i don't think she took too kindly to my foul mouth, but it must have hit home for her, because she's been sweet to me ever since.

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

I believe in the old testament it says that woman should dress appropriately (like women ) and men as men. he hair it explains as well a s the jewelry and makeup. My sister is pentecostal and I actually looked it up to find out myself.

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

There is some scriptural basis for women dressing like women and men dressing like men and for women having long hair; however, the more important thing, and you have hit upon it, is to adorn one's spirit with meekness and humility, which your neighbor failed to do.

It is less important how we look, and more important how we act, but it is equally important that our clothing not cause others a problem.


Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

why do you care?

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

Their beliefs about hair and skirts are bibically based. Here is a link describing each and giving scripture references (Hint: They think it's sinful for women to cut or break their hair):

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

Sometimes people forget we're still human beings. Just because we profess Christianity doesn't mean we're perfect. Some Christian women dress in nothing but skirts and have their hair long and such but, like me, I like my sweats and my capris and I've had my hair all different lengths and styles. God doesn't look on the outside, as long as your covered up, He looks on the inside. And if she was acting like that she's ruining her witness for the Lord. Maybe she doesn't realize how she's acting or maybe she has a tremendous amount of pressure on her right now. It's no excuse for her actions but maybe it would explain it a little better. Maybe you should ask her if you've offended her and offer and apology maybe it would wake her up to what she's doing.

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

She is probably United Pentecostal, they not only believe in a strict dress code, but they also don't believe in the trinity.

Pentecostals (long hair and skirts)?

I can not say anything about your neighbor because not everyone who claims to Pentecostals acts the part, we are all still human.

I am Apostolic Pentecostals, and the woman in my church do not wear pants and we do not cut our hair, this among other standards is a form of worship to God and can is in the Bible too. we all do these thing out of love for Jesus, I know I do, and they are my joy.

Please, Do not judge her church or other that dress like her by her actions.

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